Free Essay Writing Tips: Composing A Great Introduction

An introduction to the paper is one of the most important parts of your paper, very important that if you do not pay good attention to it, there is every chance that you might end up failing that paper. The importance of the introduction comes second to the title, which is the ultimate point of focus for you and your paper. You can never go wrong with your paper if you pay attention to these two things, so let’s shed some light on how to write a very good introduction.

The introduction to your paper is supposed to give your reader a quick glimpse of what is coming through in the rest of the paper. It is like curtain raising for the president to give his speech. You really have to be very good at it, lest the audience lose interest in the topic.

Write it last

There are different ways to deal with the introduction. There are some people who advocate for you to write this section last after everything else has been written, because in this way you already know what you have worked on, and from there you can then write this section in such a manner as to properly mirror on everything that you have done so far.

Though schools of thought are different some will also advocate for you to write it first before anything else. Because of this reason, it is mandatory for you to consider what you want, then choose that which is comfortable for you. This way you should be in a very good position to write one of the best papers so far.


Research is not just mandatory for the rest of the paper, even this section warrants some research. You might not need to reference so much in this section, or any at all, but you still need to ensure that you run some really good research on it. Make sure that you have the facts, you have all the pointers that you need to write it.

One of the other reasons why you may need to do some research into it is because you might also want to try and see what other people have done in the past. It helps if you can get some good style to follow through as you write your paper, something that acts as a reliable guideline.

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